Media Accreditation - Trentino 2021 Cycling

Media Accreditation

The media accreditation operations for the 2021 European Road Championships in Trento, Trentino, Italy (September 8-12) are now open. All the media wishing to follow the events on the spot are invited to file for accreditation through the online form:


In the homepage of the UEC media accreditation platform the User Guide (CLICK HERE) and the event’s Covid protocol (CLICK HERE) are available. Please read the documents to easily complete the accreditation procedure.

No third parties will be authorized to pick up the credentials on behalf of the accredited person.

We would like to draw your attention on the conditions to access the event for the members of the media category, regulated in two different bubbles.


Members of this category can receive an accreditation and be allowed to the event by complying with the following requirements.

OPTION 1: For those able to provide a Covid-19 EU Digital Covid Certificate or a Certificate of complete vaccination against SARS-Cov-2 or a Certificate of recovery valid for 180 days from the date of the first positive swab, to be sent beforehand to;

Undergoing a Rapid Antigenic Nasopharyngeal swab before collecting the accreditation at the Covid Triage in the event’s permanence (Trento Fiere Exhibition Center, via Briamasco 2, Trento) from September 6th, 2021

OPTION 2: If a Covid-19 EU Digital Covid Certificate or a Certificate of complete vaccination against SARS-Cov-2 or a Certificate of recovery valid for 180 days from the date of the first positive swab CANNOT be provided.

  • Undergoing a Molecular Nasopharyngeal Swab with negative result, performed on September 3, 2021, or later, whose outcome has to be sent beforehand to;
  • Undergoing a Rapid Antigen Nasopharyngeal Swab before collecting the accreditation at the Covid Triage in the event’s permanence (Trento Fiere Exhibition Center, via Briamasco 2, Trento) from September 6th, 2021
  • Undergoing a Rapid Antigen Nasopharyngeal Swab every 48 h from the execution of the previous test at the Covid Triage in the event’s permanence (Trento Fiere Exhibition Center, via Briamasco 2, Trento)


Members of this category can receive an accreditation and be allowed to the event by complying with the following requirements.

  • Undergoing a Rapid Antigen Nasopharyngeal Swab before collecting the accreditation at the Covid Triage in the event’s permanence (Trento Fiere Exhibition Center, via Briamasco 2, Trento) from September 6th, 2021.

Should the media representative be unable to comply with the above procedure, or return a positive result to any of the mentioned test, s/he will not be allowed to access the event.

Looking forward to meeting you in Trentino.