Road Cycling European Champs in Trento postponed to 2021 - Trentino 2021 Cycling

Road Cycling European Champs in Trento postponed to 2021


The European Cycling Union and the Italian organizers agreed to push the event one year forward. The new date is to be set in early September 2021


The European Cycling Union (UEC) and the organizers of the 2020 UEC Road Cycling European Championships, originally to be held in Trento (Italy) from 9th to 13th September 2020, have reached an agreement to postpone the event by one year. “Having acknowledged the consequences of the pandemic outbreak in the last few weeksTrentino Marketing CEO Maurizio Rossini explained – we are pleased with an outcome that satisfies everybody, and puts us in the position to set up the every at its best, and produce the greatest redemption from both the technical and the promotional sides”.

The Championships will take place in the first half of September as the final decision about the date – according to the options accepted by the organizers, 1-5 September or 8-12 September 2021 – belongs to the International Cycling Union (UCI) once the new season’s international calendar will be completed.

The event shifting to 2021 was the result of lengthy negotiations among the parties involved after the Coronavirus outbreak has frozen every sports activity to date. “We have reached the wisest decision afterwardTrento’s Tourism board Director Elda Verones argued – with the full consent by the City of Trento and all the local institutions. Given how the Coronavirus is affecting the economics, we can look forward to the next year’s event as a great opportunity to gather people and share our common thrive for upturn once the emergency will be finally over”.

The UEC, along with the UCI and the National Associations, will now evaluate alternative solutions to hold the 2020 edition in a new location.